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Essay/Term paper: Nixon platform

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Biography

Free essays available online are good but they will not follow the guidelines of your particular writing assignment. If you need a custom term paper on Biography: Nixon Platform, you can hire a professional writer here to write you a high quality authentic essay. While free essays can be traced by Turnitin (plagiarism detection program), our custom written essays will pass any plagiarism test. Our writing service will save you time and grade.

I. Civil Rights

A. Some people, mostly blacks, did not get equal rights.

B. Nixon believed fundamentaly in responsible civil rights policy on the part of the federal government.

II. Health Care Issues

A. People believed in having health care for everyone, and being taken care of from the
goverments money.

B. Nixon believed that there should be health care for everyone, employer mandates,
pharmancy care, and preventive care.

III. Law Enforcement

A. Crime increased and drud use began to bloom.

B. Nixon believed that the judiciary had moved too far to the left.

IV. Nutrition and Human Needs

A. Nutrition and Health programs were needed to teach people about thier human needs.

B. Nixon believed in being concerned with people's health and thinks that programs like
Meals on Wheels are good for teaching people about nutrition and food.

V. Poverty

A. More and more people began to lose thier homes, causing poverty to rise up.

B. Nixon believed that the only way to end the war on poverty is for the goverment to provide
welfare for everyone, which would mean raising taxes, which means more poverty. He says there is always going to be poverty.


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