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Essay/Term paper: The standard

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Business

Free essays available online are good but they will not follow the guidelines of your particular writing assignment. If you need a custom term paper on Business: The Standard, you can hire a professional writer here to write you a high quality authentic essay. While free essays can be traced by Turnitin (plagiarism detection program), our custom written essays will pass any plagiarism test. Our writing service will save you time and grade.


I choose to do my essay on the St. Catharines Standard. The Standard is the St.Catharines and Thorold area newspaper. It provides us with the local news, advertising and it keeps us in touch with what is happening all over the world. It was first owned and runned by the Burgoyne family and was printed in St. Catharines but, was sold last year to Southam Inc. and has started to be printed in Hamilton. Southam Inc. also owns other papers such as The Hamilton Spectator,The Ottawa Citizen and The Kingston Wig. Here are some questions that I have made up about The Standard and I have found the answers for them.

1. How important is The Standard to our economy?

The Standard is pretty important to our economy. It provides the peoples of St.Catharines and Hamillton with jobs. It also let"s the local businesses advertise their business to the people and attracts businesses to St. Catharines. Which brings money to the city. And finally, I provides St. Catharines with the daily news about the city and all over the world.

2. What is the source and type of the paper and why is it used?

The Standard gets their paper from wherever they can get it the cheapest. It is Recycled Newsprint. Recycled newsprint is paper that has been previously used paper that has been shredded, de-inked and then turned into pulp so it can make paper again. This type of paper is used because its economical, lightweight, recyclable and is available world wide.

3. What is the process of making the St. Catharines Standard?

The First step in making the newspaper is in the advertising department. The workers in the advertising dept. sell space in the paper to local businesses for ads. This pays for the paper to be made. Then the ads are produced and are redied for the paper a day before it has to be made. After the ad space is sold the paper is sent up to the editorial room so they can look at the space not occupied by ads and decide what stories the need to fill up the paper. Now to make the paper! The pages are assembled and the ads and stories are cut and pasted on to boards. After that a negative is shot of the board. Then they take the negative and make a copy of it on a metal plate. They take the plate and mount it on the press. The pressman begin to roll the press, adjust the inks, check the colour and registration prints. The paper is then sent to the mail room and counted & labeled for its destination. They add the flyer and bundle them up. Then the finished paper is sent to St. Cathaines. The Circulation Department then sells the paper through stores, newspaper boxes and carriers. And that is how the paper is made!


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