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Essay/Term paper: Great britain

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Humanities

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Britian and the colonies had tensions between each other

from the time that the adventurous 1colonists wanted to

branch out away from the powerful grip of Britian. Although

Britian did not want to let the colonists start there own

country they still believed that an extension to their country

would be very beneficial to their economy and power.

Britian had laws and taxes on the colonists that seemed

unfair to the colonists; and they were, but they benefited

Britian a great deal by extending their power further into the

world. Now that the British had set up their colony and set

down their rules and regulations the colonists felt that they

were being treated unfairly and believed that they deserved

more freedom than the British gave them. After such things

as the Sugar Act, Stamp Act and the brutality of the Boston

Massacre the colonists began to get restless and striving

toward freedom from the higher power that ruled their every

day. Protest groups began to rise from the disgruntled

people, groups like the Committees of Correspondence.

This group gave the people something to believe in. This

group clearly told them that they had more rights than the

British told them. Inevitably the colonists waged war on the

mighty British government.

This may have seemed to be a good choice; the British

were unfair, so it seemed that the colonists had a right to

declare their independence from Britain. And of course it

seems to be a good dicision because the United States is

now the most powerful country in the world. However was it

a smart Christian dicision, what does the bible say about war

and going against your own government. In the book of

Romans it directly tells the reader that going against your

government it is going against Gods will because the

government was put there by God. So if this is the case the

colonists were all heathens and the whole economy, society

and culture of the United States was based on an unjust

sinful idea. Yes, that would be true if the Bible did not have

another portion specifically handling this sort of situation. In

another section of the Bible it reads that a person must only

follow a government if it is not leading the person away from

God. So if a government directly disobeys Gods word then

it is not right to follow its rule and teachings. Did the British

do this? Yes, the British passed many different laws that

would go against the biblical things like the Quebec Act and

the many other unfair taxes and rules. When the British killed

those men during the Boston Massacre, I would say that that

was not a very Christian action. If the British did things like

this all the time then the colonists had all the right to run from

Britains rule.

Now that the colonists had a good reason to leave and a

good Christian reason. They may not have gone about

leaving in the most Biblical way, since waging war on a

country is not a good Christian attitude, but again in the Bible

it has many wars that were fought for Christian things. So if

leaving the British government is Christian, then it could be

said that the colonists had all the right in the world to leave

the British and establish the country we know today. 

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