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Essay/Term paper: The cycle of never ending cause and effect

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Philosophy

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The Cycle of Never Ending Cause and Effect

There is no such thing as first or second, or as cause and effect.
Humanity has constantly searched for the beginning of things asking questions
such as 'Which came first, the chicken or the egg?". They search for answers
which are simply entangled in a never ending cycle of events. Belief before
evidence or evidence before belief, it doesn't matter. Both compound a cycle
where before belief there's evidence and before evidence there is belief and so
If the mind teaser about the chicken and the egg is traced back to its
beginning, for example taking the generations and going back on time, there will
come a point where the beginning of things will be put under observation. How
did things begin? Scientists believe that our world began with the Big Bang,
yet for the Big Bang to originate there must have been the Sun and the Universe
itself. Then what was before the Universe? An atom? And before the atom? The
word "nothing" is a common answer to these questions, supposedly ending the
infinite quest for knowledge. Yet before the "nothing", there must have been
something else, maybe more nothingness, who knows? The fact simply is that
humanity doesn't know what came first and have thrive to come up with answers
which range from the scientific point of view to the religious. The religious
answers, which are completely based on belief, used to be entirely accepted by
people, but as science began to flourish, scientific answers, which use logic
and reasoning, became the primary source for belief. Now a days it is important
to have evidence in order to believe. Yet when scientists discover new things,
do they just find the evidence? Or they believe that something is there and
begin their quest to find it? Again, be it one way or the other, it doesn't
matter. Let's take for example that the scientist believed that something was
there, his/her belief must have been based on evidence. How else then could they
have thought about it? Yet that evidence in return, before being discovered,
was based on belief and so on.
It is all a cycle indeed. One cannot say which came first. The beginning
of things will always be an unknown if humanity keeps searching for it. There
is no beginning. The cycle causes effects which in return cause causes which
cause effects. In a family where there is constant fighting, problems are the
result of other problems and so on. One would have to trace all the way back to
see what or who was guilty from the beginning. The same applies to the search
for the beginning of times. In order to stop the fighting one would have to
stop the cycle. Everyone in the family would have to forget passed events and
start all over, from the beginning. Yet because no such thing as completely
forgetting exists, someone would again do a misdeed that would spark the
fighting chain. The world is a sphere which rotates without stopping. Once it
stops, the cycle of never ending cause and effect keeps on going. As a new
begging takes place, the cycle would be rotating. It would be the same cycle,
not a different one. The destruction of our world would indeed cause the
beginning of another; if the present world had never been destroyed then the new
one would never have been formed.
A counter argument to the idea of a never ending cycle would easily be
disregarded. One can say that the cycle must have been put into motion by a
force as objects on earth are given a force to begin their motion. Yet that
cycle would not be the same one. The never-ending cycle of cause and effect, of
belief or evidence, of first and second, goes beyond all parameters. It is the
cycle itself which causes everything. It would be the cycle which would cause
the force to put a smaller cycle into motion. The cycle is an entity in itself.
It has always been and will always be.
Therefore, belief or evidence, are the result of one another. One caused
the other which in return caused the other. Both are part of the cycle and will
remain as part of it forever.


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