Essay/Term paper: Communication style of ma
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There are two genders----man and woman in the world. Though these
two gender live in the same culture, there are many differences between them,
include communication style.
The communication means that speech in life. If someone let you listen a dialogue
that the same sound. I think you can discrininatefrom the speech content and style,
who is man, who is woman. both man and women like boasting. but the express
way is different. for example, a man want to boast himself how ^Å^Å., he will say
directly. but woman want to boast herself how beautifully, she won^Òt express
directly like man do. she will say how many man like her, how many man date
her^Å.that means she is a pretty woman. In addition, if woman want show her
money, she won^Òt to say directly how much money she had, she will change topic
of conversation, like^Åhow much her clothes, her car and her jewelry.
Another way in which man^Òs and woman^Òs communication differ is body ^Ölanguage.
All people have known that woman like cry. why? woman likes use body-language to express
her mood. because she can^Òt express directly. If man felt unhappy or happy, he will say
directly. but woman won^Òt be. She uses cry to display her bad mo ., so
sometimes, you can^Òt know what^Òs reason let she cry.
In brief, man .........
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