Essay/Term paper: Education 2020
Essay, term paper, research paper: College Papers
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My observing of Mrs. Lori Calfee^s elementary PE classes at North Lee
Elementary School was very educational as well as enjoyable. I spent
three days with grades one through six and saw how much these children
enjoy their gym class. These games and exercises provide three
important lessons for the children: (1) they show the importance of
exercise, (2) they give the children a sense of sportsmanship, and (3)
they teach the children the importance of teamwork. These lessons help
the children get an early start on the aspects of life that help a
person get a head start on their future. Exercise is an important part
of life. The sooner children learn the benefits of a healthy body, the
more likely they are as an adult to try to maintain a healthy body and
lifestyle. While these kids run and play their games, they do not
realize they are getting an excellent workout. These games also show
the kids that exercise can be fun, so it does not seem like a chore.
This showed me that teaching a young person the value of exercise early
will help that child become a healthy teen and a healthy adult.
Sportsmanship could be the most important lesson a PE class can teach a
young man or woman. If these children learn the importance of fair
play, honesty, and respecting others early in life, it could start them
on the way to becoming solid citizens. If a child can learn how to take
a loss in elementary school, it can help that child learn how to take a
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