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Essay/Term paper: The king must die

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The King Must Die

Is Theseus to perfect to be a human being?

To be considered a human being one must be subject to or indicative of the weakness, imperfections, and fragility associated with human beings. This definition separates us from any lower being, or for this book"s concern separates us from any higher being. Theseus had endured a life that during some times showed to be like that of any human. Yet, there were numerous occasions that proved Theseus to be not of human flesh and blood, but that of a god.

The most compelling event of the book, in my mind, that would define Theseus to be more than a human being took place under the strength of the Isthmus" current between Athens and Troizen. Theseus was losing strength and falling deeper into his coffin. Theseus had not sooner lost the struggle against the angry current as Poseidon lifted his body, in an invisible form, and carried him to shore safely. Theseus had been looking for a sign from a god. He had been looking for one all his life. When he was old enough his mother told him that he could have been born of a Greek god. Voluntarily or not, his life would become a search for the truth. This sign proved him to be more than human.

A hard challenge was brought onto to a younger Theseus" shoulders when he worked under his grandfather at the tender age of eight. Theseus was to teach the inner workings of his job that was soon to be passed on to his apprentice. Yet, this boy tested his patience every day and would push him around and laugh at the year older Theseus. Theseus thought that if he was truly born of a god that he could show this boy who he was. One day Theseus had a small quarrel with this boy. The result of this quarrel was Theseus showing, for the first time in the book that he was not of the ingredients that other humans were. The small quarrel had erupted into a mighty battle. Theseus then pounded his foot on the ground and created a massive earthquake leaving the boy"s body hurdled onto rocks and praying for Theseus not to kill him. Theseus remained untouched throughout the event and in return the boy put full trust in the fact Theseus was born of a god.

In the later part of this book, Theseus became bolder and now believed himself he was born of a god. What better character to look upon to tell us the truth behind this question then Theseus himself? If Theseus believes that he truly is born of a god, then the events and actions in the book must then prove it with substantial evidence. I believe that the answer to this question is found within the way Theseus acts and thinks, rather then in physical evidence we perceive to be the answer. The changing
of his view of life, his interaction with others, and his overall thinking of if he was born of a god was amazing over the course of the book. He was at first doubtful of his status as a human being. He would not overlook the harsh words said to him at his childhood when the matter was brought up as words of no meaning. He was then hopeful and more confident when he received signs from a god that he was not normal, but of something more than human. In the end he was so confident that he slayed the Minotaur, watched the labyrinth fall, then married Ariedne. His confidence was so high with his knowledge of his birth origin that even without the prior events, he could have brought the labyrinth to fall and slayed the Minotaur.

Theseus was the King of Athens. He had something inside him that all men do not have. He was special in many ways. His presence on earth was not the same as normal humans. Yet it is not for us mortals to question whether a higher being is not a man but something more.


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