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Essay/Term paper: Moby dick

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Moby Dick

Free essays available online are good but they will not follow the guidelines of your particular writing assignment. If you need a custom term paper on Moby Dick: Moby Dick, you can hire a professional writer here to write you a high quality authentic essay. While free essays can be traced by Turnitin (plagiarism detection program), our custom written essays will pass any plagiarism test. Our writing service will save you time and grade.

The classical selection by Herman Melville, Moby Dick focused on the

significance of one man"s obsession over a murderous white whale. As if the central

plight of Captain Ahab was not enough of an obstacle to overcome, the piece is thus

complicated by the Captain"s mystique. The already complex situation was made more

dramatic with the inclusion of Ishmael"s interpretation of Ahab"s character , Moby

Dick"s predominant influence and the mellow white birds that seemed to shadow

Moby Dick at every step along the way as a moth to fire.

The somewhat fearful Ahab played the greatest role on the ship. Whether

dealing with the tedious chores of maintaining the ship or the neverending search for

truth and redemption through the death of Moby Dick. Ahab somewhat possesing

demonic qualities, struggled to contain the evil within his inner self thus controling the

earth"s stairway to heaven. The captain"s great obsession ,Moby Dick led to the loss of

his leg"s as well as his wings.

The great whale, Moby Dick was the sea"s most feared and hunted creature.

Moby has come across to Ishmael and the rest of the crew of the Peqoud, as a white god.

Able to crush ships when provoked, how many times the inhabitants of the world

disrupt nature to fulfill their obsessions as did the whalers to Moby Dick causing his rage.

Moby Dick was better left alone, like perfect things made by the hands of God should be.

The sight of the great beast of the sea ,as it was known to the inhabitants of the

whailing industry, was easily spotted with the appearance the white birds. Those white

birds were forever bound to the whale, their white God. Their souls in the embrace of

Moby , were the not so innocent souls taken by the whale. They helped serve as a

warning to those who chose to believe ,as those who want to be saved by the embrace of

God in faith.

Melville"s Moby Dick , captured the effects of nature on the human spirit as in

Ahab. The real interpretation of Ahab by Ishmael and the detailed charaterization of the

sea"s savior was helped by the shadowlike birds that were forever bound to the sea"s

beast. Life, like that of animal is so connected to interpretation of the human spirit.


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