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Essay/Term paper: To kill a mockingbird: great quotes by the characters

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To Kill A Mockingbird: Great Quotes by the Characters


Respectful of other people

Talking about Bob Ewell spitting in his face): "I wish Bob Ewell
wouldn't chew tobacco." Page 220 Chapter 23

Responding to Jem talking about Mrs. Dubose not being a lady:
"She was. She had her own views about things, a lot different from mine,
maybe...son, I told you that if you hadn't lost your head I'd have made
you go and read to her. I wanted you to see something about her-I wanted
you to see what real courage is, instead of seeing courage is a man with
a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin but
you begin anyway and see through it no matter what. You rarely win, but
sometimes you do. Mrs. Dubose won, all ninety-eight pounds of her.
According to her views, she died beholding to nothing and nobody. She
was the bravest person I ever knew." Page 116 Chapter 11

Talking to Scout: Atticus turned his head and pinned me to the wall with his
good eye. His voice was deadly: "First, apologize to your aunt."
Page 138 Chapter 14

Talking to Jem: "Mr. Cunningham was part of a mob last night, but he is
still a man. Every mob in every little Southern town is always made up of
people you know- doesn't say much for the, does it?" Page 160 Chapter 16


Talking to Scout: "Scout, simply by the nature of the work, every lawyer gets
one case in his lifetime that affects him personally. This one's mine I guess.
You might here some ugly talk about it at school, but do one thing for me if you
will: you just hold your head high and keep your fists down." Page 80 Chapter 9

Talking to Scout: "Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we
started is no reason for us not to try and win." Page 80 Chapter 9

Talking to Calpurnia: Atticus' eyes filled with tears. He did not speak for a
moment. "Tell them I'm very grateful," he said. "Tell them- tell them they
must never do this again. Times are too hard...." Page 216 Chapter 22

Talking to Calpurnia: Atticus' eyes filled with tears. He did not speak for a
moment. "Tell them I'm very grateful," he said. "Tell them- tell them they
must never do this again. Times are too hard...." Page 216 Chapter 22


Talking to Mayella Ewell: "You're becoming suddenly clear at this point. A
while ago you couldn't remember too well, could you?" Page 189 Chapter 18

Talking to Scout: "Most people are (nice), when you finally see them." Page
284 Chapter 31

Talking to Scout: "I never went to school," he said, "but I have a feeling
that if you tell Miss Caroline we read every night she'll get after me, and I
wouldn't want her after me." Page 36 Chapter 3

Atticus: "I guess Tom was tired of taking white men's chances, and preffered
to take his own." Page 238 Chapter 24

Doing: "Atticus was speaking easily, with the kind of detachment he used
then he dictated a letter." Page 205 Chapter 21



Jem (talking to Atticus about Mrs. Dubose): "A lady?" "After all those things
she said about you, a lady?" Page 116 Chapter 11

Jem (saying to Scout): "I swear Scout, sometimes you act so much like a girl
it's mortifyin'." Page 42 Chapter 4

Jem (talking to the Reverend): "It's o.k.,Reverend, she doesn't understand
it." Page 175 Chapter 17


Jem (Bob Ewell is attacking them): "Run Scout! Run! Run!" Page 264 Chapter 27

Jem (talking to Scout about Atticus): "Let's don't pester him, he'll know when
it's time." Page 75 Chapter 7

Jem (talking to Scout): "I reckon if he wanted us to know it, he'da told us.
If he was proud of it he'da told us." Page 109 Chapter 9



Scout (talking to Jem): "The thing about it is, our kind of folks don't
like the Cunninghams, the Cunninghams don't like the Ewells, and the Ewells
hate and despise the colored folks." I told Jem if that was so, then why didn't
Tom's jury, made up of folks like the Cunninghams aquit Tom to spite the
Ewells?" Page 229 Chapter 23

Scout (saying to Jem): "...Jem, how can you (the people in the town) hate
Hitler so bad an' turn around and be ugly about folks right at home-" Page 249
Chapter 26

Scout (talking to Miss Maudie): "Nome, I mean the folks on our street are all
old. Jem and me's the only children around here. Mrs Dubose is close on to a
hundred and Miss Rachel's old and so are you and Atticus." Page 94 Chapter 10

Scout (talking): "I'm scared.."Scared about Atticus. Somebody might hurt
him." Page 149 Chapter 15

Tom Boy

Scout (doing): "With this in mind, I faced Cecil Jacobs in the school yard
next day: "You're gonna take that back boy?" Page Unknown

Scout (doing): "Presently I picked up a comb from Jem's dresser and ran its
teeth along the edge." Page 136 Chapter 13

Scout (remembering): Before the first morning was over, Miss Caroline Fisher,
our teacher, hauled me up to the front of the room and patted the palm of my
hand with a ruler, then made me stand in the corner until noon. Page 20 Chapter

Scout (thinking) Miss Maudie on a jury would be impressive. I thought of
old Mrs. Dubose in her whell chair-"Stop that rapping, John Taylor, I want to
ask this man something." Perhaps our forefathers were wise. Page 224 Chapter 23


Scout talking to Boo Radley: "Won't you have a seat Mr. Arthur? This rocking
chair is nice and comfortable." Page 274 Chapter 30

Scout (observing and thinking): "Miss Maudie's hand closed tightly on mine,
and I said nothing. It's warmth was enough." Page 238 Chapter 24

Scout (saying to Dill): "Keep on- I reckon he even sent you a mounted police
uniform! That'n never showed up, did it? You just keep on telling 'em, son-"
Page 52 Chapter 5

Scout (saying to Jem): "I forgot my shoes, they're back behind the stage."
Page 262 Chapter 28

Tom Robinson


Talking to Atticus about not getting paid: "No suh, not after she offered
me a nickel the first time. I was glad to do it." Unknown

Talking to Mr. Gilmer: "I was just tryin' to help her out, suh." Page 199
Chapter 19

Talking to Atticus about going by the Ewells: "Why, yes suh, I'd tip m'hat
when I'd go by, and one day she asked me to come inside..." Page 193 Chapter 19


Talking to Atticus about the fight he was in and getting cut: "Yes suh, a
little, not enough to hurt. You see, I-" Page 193 Chapter 19

Talking to Atticus about Mayella: "I didn't wanta be ugly, I didn't wanta
push her or nothin'." Page 197 Chapter 19

Talking to Mr. Gilmer: "I don't say she's lyin', Mr. Gilmer, I say she's
mistaken in her mind." Page 200 Chapter 19


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