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Category | Title | Body |
Society Term Papers | "land of dreams" by: joan lowery nixon | "Land of Dreams" By: Joan Lowery Nixon Characters List: 1) Kristian Swensen 2) Her father 3) Her mother 4) Jenny Berglund 5) Johan Olsen Setting: This story takes place on a farm in Minnesota. Kristian just moved from Sweden to the United States of America. This story sounds like it came from the 1920's to 1940's. It is full ... |
Society Term Papers | 1984 by george orwell: character sketch | 1984 by George Orwell: Character Sketch by Jeffrey Bowerman. The two main characters in 1984 are Winston Smith and Julia. Winston has his beliefs. It is very hard to make him believe in someone else's ideas or lies. He is a little paranoid about people watching him. In the story 1984, people can be watched through TVs (telescreens). Because of this paranoia, he found a place ... |
Society Term Papers | A continuous decline in india, without modernization | A Continuous Decline in India, Without Modernization Hypothesis: Modernization is the Key to economic growth for India. If modernization occurs, then the economic status of India will increase tremendously, even if the price India has to pay is a change in culture, and tradition. India has remained financially stagnant since its beginnings. One may argue that non-modernization has... |
Society Term Papers | A look back on the great depression of 1936 | A Look Back on the Great Depression of 1936 The Great Depression was a time of tremendous poverty and depravation. It put many hard-working men and women out of their jobs and sources of income. It left many wholesome, decent, families out on the street, homeless; their pride and dignity stripped of them. Many people would be left to starve, without money to buy food or pay for shel... |
Society Term Papers | A review of "the outsiders club" screened on bbc 2 in october 96 | A Review of "The Outsiders Club" Screened on BBC 2 in October 96 MA Diploma Disability Studies INTRODUCTION I decided to write a review on the social group known as The Outsiders. The group's main aim is to enable disabled adults to form personal relationships, including specifically sexual ones (Shakespeare 1996), either with each other or with non-disabled members. The group h... |
Society Term Papers | A tale of two cities: recalled to life | A Tale of Two Cities: Recalled to Life A Tale of Two Cities has long been one of Charles Dickens' most favored books. This book opens in the year 1775 by contrasting two cities: Paris, France and London, England. Throughout this story various characters are "recalled to life", meaning that they have had a new chance at life. Dr. Manette is clearly mad after being in prison for e... |
Society Term Papers | Abnormal psychology: mental disorders | Abnormal Psychology: Mental Disorders Andrew Walters Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a disorder that can effect anyone. It is the greatest the greatest disorder that effects teenagers. When someone is effected by the disorder it is not just that one person that has to learn to deal with it, the families of the patients ... |
Society Term Papers | Abraham lincoln: biography | Abraham Lincoln: Biography Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, was very important to the past history of our country. He helped to abolish slavery in this country and kept the American Union from splitting apart during the Civil War. At 22, he moved to New Salem, Illinois. With his gift for swapping stories and making friends, he became quite popular and was... |
Society Term Papers | Aids | AIDS HIV and/or AIDS is a life threatening disease that is affecting society today. It is a serious epidemic that is threatening millions of lives around the world. A person can become HIV infected thorough the sharing syringes or through vaginal or anal sex, one does not become infected from the air as some might think. It is infected through the blood. Testing positive for human... |
Society Term Papers | Aids | AIDS Acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or AIDS, is a recently recognized disease entity. It is caused by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which attacks selected cells in the immune system (see IMMUNITY) and produces defects in function. These defects may not be apparent for years. They lead in a relentless fashion, however, to a severe suppression of the imm... |
Society Term Papers | Aids and you: the lethal relation | AIDS and You: The Lethal Relation George Stamatopoulos Mrs. Polychronopoulou English 110 19 February, 1997 We know enough about how the infection is transmitted to protect ourselves from it without resorting to such extremes as mandatory testing, enforced quarantine or total celibacy. But too few people are heeding the AIDS message. Perhaps many si... |
Society Term Papers | Alexander the great | Alexander the Great Alexander the Great, was born in June, 356 BC, in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia. His parents were Philip II and Olympia. Some say that Zeus was his father but it is probably just a myth. Aristotle taught Alexander in his early teen years. He stimulated his interest in science, medicine, and philosophy. In the summer of 336 BC, Alexander's father ... |
Society Term Papers | Amerigo vespucci | Amerigo Vespucci Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian explorer was born in Florence, Italy in the year of 1454. Florence was a good city to grow up in for young Amerigo, because of the growing interest in the field of exploration. Some of the adults told young Amerigo about the wonders and riches of the Indies. Like the other Italian boys in his village, undoubtedly Amerigo was fascin... |
Society Term Papers | An attempt at understanding dreams | An Attempt At Understanding Dreams A few months ago I watched a movie called "The Candyman". It was a horror movie about this psychotic woman who massacres people around her but has no idea what she's doing. An imaginary creature called "The Candyman" is appearing to her and talking to her, and she actually thinks that he's the one who is doing the murdering. Anyway, it was a scary m... |
Society Term Papers | Ancient china | Ancient China An essay on ancient China can be educational but also very fun and interesting. China differs from other culteres by its wide range of topics such as government, religion, and its ethics...... I hope you find this essay very informative and the info. not to be wrong. Geography has always played a important role in Chinas history. Beca-use of Chinas enormous... |
Society Term Papers | Ancient egypt | Ancient Egypt The giant pyramids, temples, and tombs of ancient Egypt tell an exciting story about a nation that rose to power more than 5,000 years ago. This mighty civilization crumbled before conquering armies after 2,500 years of triumph and glory. The dry air and drifting desert sands have preserved many records of ancient Egypt until modern times. The ancient Egyptians live... |
Society Term Papers | Ancient egypt: old, middle, and new kingdom | Ancient Egypt: Old, Middle, and New Kingdom Outline I. Thesis: Ancient Egyptians were the basis for many western traditions. Their influences are noticable in art, architecture, and religion. II. The Old Kingdom A. Zoser, the first pharaoh. 1. built the famed Step Pyramid 2. brought unity to Egypt B. Religion 1. creation 2. gods C. Art ... |
Society Term Papers | Apartheid in modern south africa | Apartheid in Modern South Africa Apartheid is the legal segregation of races promulgated in the Republic of South Africa. The discovery of gold and diamonds in South Africa during the 19th century, ultimately lead to racially segregated compounds for mine workers becoming the fore fathers of apartheid(Kanfer 79). By the 1920s de facto apartheid was the predominant feature of life in... |
Society Term Papers | Bad choosers | Bad Choosers By K.L. Casado The tired cliché has rung throughout the halls of maternity wards and law firms for years. "The Battle of the Sexes" as it is called; the everlasting struggle for supremacy among men and women. However, in the wider scope of events, how easy one's life is would ideally be more important than how supreme one is. Just ask Colin Powell or maybe even a ... |
Society Term Papers | Bdsm | BDSM BDSM stands for Bondage Discipline Sadism and Masochism. Most regard this as a perverted form of sexuality limited only to gays who they also regard as perverted. This is far from the case, as even the great marquis de Sade was into this sort of play, and was clearly straight. Whereas there are more problems involved in BDSM than in Vanilla sex, the form of sexuality called BDSM... |
Society Term Papers | Beauty | Beauty Summary of The Biology of Beauty Many articles are written by modern psychologists and psychoanalysts that stress the importance of beauty in human and animal breeding as well as survival. One such article The Biology of Beauty suggests this importance and backs it up with many facts and figures as well as surveys on normal people. The article states many theorie... |
Society Term Papers | Coersion/rape | Coersion/Rape co-erce ko-ers vb co-erced; co-ercing 1: RESTRAIN, REPRESS 2: COMPEL 3: ENFORCE --co-er-sion -er-zhen,shen n --co-er-cive -er-siv adj rape ^r`ap n 1: a carrying away by force 2: sexual intercourse by a man with a woman without her consent and chiefly by force or deception; also : unlawful sexual intercourse of any kind by force or threat As if the line between ... |
Society Term Papers | Creative story: the lake | Creative Story: The Lake It was the middle of springtime and across from my house where the incident took place. There was a lake there in which my brother and I loved to explore from time to time. The humidity and waterdrops where reminiscent of a fully functional sauna. The onslaught of heat and burning glow of the sun was relentless. Nonetheless, this fact did not bother us on... |
Society Term Papers | Creative writing: siege of yorktown | Creative Writing: Siege of Yorktown It was four o'clock in the morning when my commanding officer awoke me and we were ordered to prepare to march. We had set up an extensive camp at Chatham in New York, we all believed that we would attack New York City. It turned out that we were marching on towards Yorktown. When we arrived at Yorktown the bay was full of French ships. Our arm... |
Society Term Papers | Definition of the oedipus complex | Definition of the Oedipus Complex February 1, 1997 Michelle Bauknecht The positive libidinal feelings of a child to the parent of the opposite sex and hostile or jealous feelings toward the parent of the same sex that may be a source of adult personality disorder when unresolved. It is a pattern of profound emotional ambivalence, a troublesome mixture of love and hate. The ... |
Society Term Papers | Effects of dam building | Effects of Dam Building Grade 10 Geography Units 12, 13, 14 Essay - Effects of Dam Building By:Brenden Kilmartin Many people have already dammed a small stream using sticks and mud by the time they become adults. Humans have used dams since early civilization, becaus... |
Society Term Papers | Emotional and rational appeals | Emotional and Rational Appeals Abstract In many studies, data has been led to suggest that rational messages may encourage the generation of content based cognitive responses and lead to attitudes heavily influenced by these cognitions. Studies have also led to suggest that people in negative moods are affected by the quality of persuasive messages. Using manipulations techniques, ... |
Society Term Papers | Environment report: tidal power in the bay of fundy | Environment Report: Tidal Power In The Bay of Fundy Prepared for Bill Andrson Professor at St.Lawrence College for Environmental Science. By November 22,1996 INTRODUCTION The Bay of Fundy, which is found off the shores of Nova Scotia, has the highest tides in the world . Extraordinary tides occur when the tidal wave length is two to four times the length of the Bay. By ... |
Society Term Papers | Erikson's psychosocial theory of development: young adults | Erikson's Psychosocial Theory of Development: Young Adults The young adult has numerous stresses placed upon them through the route of development. Erikson has theorised developmental stages of growth into tasks. Of Eriksons' theoretical tasks, one task describes the theory of intimacy versus isolation. This task theory can be examined using the normative crisis model. The knowledge of ... |
Society Term Papers | Female dominance or male failure? | Female Dominance or Male Failure? James Thurber illustrates the male species' status with respect to, " Courtship Through The Ages" with a humorous and melancholic tone. He emphasizes the lack of success males experience through courtship rituals and the constant rejection we endure. Our determination of courting the female with all our " love displays" may be pointless as it is ev... |
Society Term Papers | Female genital mutilation: long term psychological effects | Female Genital Mutilation: Long Term Psychological Effects The Psychology Department The Final Paper Dr. F. Cramer Presented By: Tim Abbas ID # 92-1356 Female Genital Mutilation, or Female Circumcision as sometimes called, is the partial or complete removal of the female clitoris immediately after birth, few years after birth (early childhood), or several years after birth (adoles... |
Society Term Papers | Fetishism | Fetishism Fetishism is a perversion that is found, primarily in men, in which genital discharge is impossible without the presence of their fetish. A fetish, however can be a variety of things, yet there are three basic types of fetishes: an inanimate object (e.g. women's clothing, shoes, gloves, underwear), a part of the human body (e.g. foot, hand, hair, legs, breasts), or somethi... |
Society Term Papers | Fuch's "the american way of families": is the dream really as sweet as apple pie? | Fuch's "The American Way of Families": Is the Dream Really as Sweet as Apple Pie? There were a few aspects of Lawrence H. Fuchs's essay The American Way of Families that I found extraordinarily interesting. He discusses influences of the modern American family that I found quite bizarre. Fuch also labels the key component to the American family as being none other than the gratifica... |
Society Term Papers | Gary soto's like mexicans: personal experiences | Gary Soto's Like Mexicans: Personal Experiences My decision to write in response to Gary Soto's work, "Like Mexicans" was influenced for the most part because of the similarities between myself and Gary Soto, and our families included. Gary Soto is a Mexican American male, who grew up in the San Joaquin Valley in the industrial part of a town called Fresno. His grandparents ca... |
Society Term Papers | Gustave flaubert and madame bovary: comparisons | Gustave Flaubert and Madame Bovary: Comparisons We would like to think that everything in life is capable, or beyond the brink of reaching perfection. It would be an absolute dream to look upon each day with a positive outlook. We try to establish our lives to the point where this perfection may come true at times, although, it most likely never lasts. There's no real perfect life ... |
Society Term Papers | Haemophilia | Haemophilia Robert Morris In the human body, each cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, one of each pair inherited through the egg from the mother, and the other inherited through the sperm of the father. Of these chromosomes, those that determine sex are X and Y. Females have XX and males have XY. In addition to the information on sex, 'the X chromosomes carry determinants... |
Society Term Papers | Herpes-simplex: type 2 | Herpes-Simplex: Type 2 Herpes is a name that is used to describe several types of skin eruptions that are characterized by formation of blisters. The term embraces primarily two distinct disorders, herpes simplex and herpes zoster, both caused by viruses. Together, these "herpes" viruses are estimated to cause more human illnesses than any other group of viruses. Two types of herp... |
Society Term Papers | Incest | Incest Incest is one of the most interesting taboos of our time. The definition of incest is a highly controversial topic. Yet, the definition of incest is one of the most important definitions for the people involved, though the law's and psychologists' meanings are not much the same. Incest needs to be similarly defined for the incestuous parties, both by the law and by psychologist... |
Society Term Papers | Intimacy | Intimacy Intimacy is often defined as arising from a close acquaintance, association, or familiarity. This definition would definitely describe the relationship I have with my sister, Catherine. We share just about everything that goes on in our lives and know each other like the back of our hands. We are so close, in fact, that rarely do we hear what another is feeling before we ... |
Society Term Papers | Kozol's amazing grace: trials and tribulations of everyday life | Kozol's Amazing Grace: Trials and Tribulations of Everyday Life Introduction Jonathan Kozol's Amazing Grace is a book about the trials and tribulations of everyday life for a group of children who live in the poorest congressional district of the United States, the South Bronx. Their lives may seem extraordinary to us, but to them, they are just as normal as everyone else. What is n... |
Society Term Papers | Life without minerals | Life Without Minerals First of all let's get to the point. Life without minerals would not be life. You use minerals every day. Plus you do not live without "minerals". You would not stand on ground, drink water, eat food or do anything else. Without minerals you would not be able to write reports on the computer, like I am doing now. It all began when the first humans arrived on Ea... |
Society Term Papers | Lord of the flies: summary | Lord of the Flies: Summary By: Wiliam Golding Main Character Description Piggy: A large kid, one of the older ones. He was made fun of and teased about his weight and it drove him crazy. He met Ralph first. Piggy wore glasses, which later proved vital for fire making. The best way to get to Piggy was to take away his "specs" because without them, he couldn't see a foot away from a... |
Society Term Papers | Love in today's society | Love In Today's Society Steve Carey Introduction A key to understanding Sociology and the Social Sciences in general is to evaluate subjects through time and compare and contrast characteristics that have changed and those that have remained the same. For this assignment I have elected to access three sources dealing with love; in three distinct time periods in the mode... |
Society Term Papers | Making sense of the plagues: the education of pharaoh | Making Sense of the Plagues: The Education of Pharaoh INCONSISTENCIES WITHIN THE PLAGUES Then YHVH said to Mosheh, "Pharaoh's heart is hardened; he refuses to let the people go. Go to Pharaoh in the morning, as he is going out to the water; stand by at the river bank to meet him, and take in your hand the staff that was turned into a snake. Say to him, 'YHVH, the God of the Hebrews, s... |
Society Term Papers | Managing waste, to save our world | Managing Waste, To Save Our World Have you checked your garbage lately? Are you aware that you are throwing away many materials that could be saved? If we did simple things like reusing glass, we could reduce our municipal landfill sites by almost 10%. Waste cannot be simply thrown away anymore, now it must be managed. Managing our trash is the "in thing", yet it is hardly convenient.... |
Society Term Papers | Men and women | Men and Women What influences a person's identity? Is it their homes, parents, religion, or maybe where they live? When do they get one? Do they get it when they understand right from wrong, or when they can read, or are they born with it? Everyone has one and nobody has the same, is there a point in everyone's life when they get one? A person's identity is his own, nob... |
Society Term Papers | Murray davis' smut, erotic reality/obscene ideology | Murray Davis' Smut, Erotic Reality/Obscene Ideology In the book Smut, Erotic Reality/ Obscene Ideology , by Murray Davis (1983), the author expresses the idea that the best source for studying human sexuality objectively is "soft core", rather than "hard core" pornography. (Davis p. xix). The purpose of this paper is to critique Davis's claim and to study what understanding of huma... |
Society Term Papers | Nuclear energy and the environment | Nuclear Energy and the Environment In our society, nuclear energy has become one of the most criticized forms of energy by the environmentalists. Thus, a look at nuclear energy and the environment and its impact on economic growth. Lewis Munford, an analyst, once wrote, "Too much energy is as fatal as too little, hence the regulation of energy input and output not its unli... |
Society Term Papers | Optimal size of a firm | Optimal Size Of A Firm The optimum size of a firm is a very subjective idea. The ways in which size can help or hinder a firm vary from which angle you a looking at the situation from. Size can have its benefits and its drawbacks, and each firm will have its own benefits and drawbacks that come from either increasing in size, or remaining small, and these will depend on the market in... |
Society Term Papers | Psychology: human development | Psychology: Human Development The field of psychology may have grown to be respected as a science. Objectivity and the scientific method are both part of the psychologist's mode of operation. However, even the greatest of psychologists can only theorize about what makes human beings act the way they do. Absolutes are not part of psychology . Everything is relative and open to specula... |
Society Term Papers | Radon | Radon Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive element that can be found in soil, underground water, and outdoor air. Some of the properties of this gas include being odorless, tasteless, and colorless. The concentrations vary throughout the country depending on the types of rocks that are found in the soil. Exposure over prolonged periods of time to radon decay products has bee... |
Society Term Papers | Recommendation for recycling water in florida | Recommendation For Recycling Water in Florida Prepared for: Tom Petty, Chairman Of The Board Department Of Environmental Regulation Board by: Environmental Specialist, Pasco County Florida November 29, 1996 Contents Abstract................................................2 Executive Summary.......................................3 Introduction............................. |
Society Term Papers | Reforestation | Reforestation The purpose of this written report is to inform the reader about the concerns and facts involved with reforestation. Reforestation began in Ontario after World War II. What happened was, professional foresters were assigned to an area and became responsible for its well being. Under the Crown Timber Act, long term management was prepared. Then the many steps needed to ... |
Society Term Papers | Relations between women in the 18th and 19th centuries. | Relations between women in the 18th and 19th centuries. Theme: Relations between women in the 18th and 19th centuries. Thesis: Relationships between women in the nineteenth century America created a web of love and support for women. Mothers and daughters, sisters and friends from childhood formed emotional and sometimes physical bonds that lasted lifetimes. These ties were acknow... |
Society Term Papers | Role of government intervention in environmental issues | Role of Government Intervention in Environmental Issues In environmental cases, a policy framework is sometimes more effective when there is less government intervention. As the level of government intervention diminishes, this allows more flexibility for corporations to achieve efficiency. Furthermore the traditional command and control approach has proven to be costly, ... |
Society Term Papers | Short story/film analysis | Short Story/Film Analysis Aric McDonald Short Story/Short Film Comm. 411-35 11:30-12:45 Spring 1997 The three short stories are similar because they all involve jealousy. This type of jealousy surrounds the main characters who are envious of the achievements or the attention that another man receives. The first stor... |
Society Term Papers | Should the harris superquarry go ahead? | Should The Harris Superquarry Go Ahead? Rural Economic Development Kenneth Mercer BSc Rural Resources III 16th December 1994 TABLE OF FIGURES FIGURE 1 LOCATION OF THE SUPERQUARRY 3 1 SUMMARY There is considerable environmental opposition to the development of the Harris superquarry. This is unlikely to stop the development on its own, but if the Scottish Office decid... |
Society Term Papers | Should there be a nuclear power plant in saskatchewan? | Should There Be A Nuclear Power Plant In Saskatchewan? I think there should be a nuclear power plant built in Saskatchewan because I believe it would contribute to the province a great deal. There is a growing need for power in Saskatchewan. Right now in Saskatchewan there is a need for more power. There has question as to putting a nuclear plant is Saskatchewan This I think is t... |
Society Term Papers | Solar energy: an alternative energy | Solar Energy: An Alternative Energy Imagine a perfect source of energy. One with which no pollution what-so-ever is associated with. No poisonous gasses or destruction of rain forests. This abundant source of energy comes from the sun. Solar energy is the visible energy produced in the sun as a result of a constant nuclear fusion reaction that is taking place. The amount of energy a... |
Society Term Papers | Study of environmental issues associated with industrialization | Study of Environmental Issues Associated with Industrialization Although our industrial ways seem to be a very progressive step into the future, there are many flaws to the way many things are today. Things have definitely changed over the past century, as we can currently do things much more efficiently then before. The cost of this efficiency may seem inexpensive in many ways, h... |
Society Term Papers | Sweat | Sweat Steven Wood Jerry Erath Essay #4 7th March 1997 It is easy to see why a person would find "Sweat" an offensive story. Many who read this story will find that the style in which it is written to be degrading to the African American race. However, this assumption has little backing. Zora Hurston is clearly relaying a story that tells of her time. To say "Sweat" is stereo... |
Society Term Papers | Technological development and the third world | Technological Development and the Third World TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT AND THE THIRD WORLD I wonder if people in Third World countries know that they are considered the "Third World?" Do they use that term in reference to themselves? Do they have any perception of the comparison, judgment and bias that goes into that statement? I'd like to think that they don't. In the film ab... |
Society Term Papers | Temagami | Temagami Table of Contents Introduction 2 The History of the Forest 2 The Forests of Canada 3 Part One: The History of the Logger 5 The Canadian Forestry Industry 5 The Ontario Forestry Industry 7 Part Two: Forest Conservation in Ontario 8 Political Activity 8 Temagami 9 Part Three: The Temagami Debate 11 The Forester 11 The Environmentalist 12 Pa... |
Society Term Papers | The american museum of natural history: anthropology | The American Museum of Natural History: Anthropology The American Museum of Natural History has many exhibits that demonstrate many aspects of anthropology. The Museum is located on Central Park West between W81st and W77nd streets. The museum is an excellent place to open oneself to many new ideas and cultures. When looking through the museum the exhibits that are anthropological... |
Society Term Papers | The atmospheric ozone layer | The Atmospheric Ozone Layer The stratospheric ozone layer exists at altitudes between about 10 and 40km depending on latitude, just above the tropopause. Its existence is crucial for life on earth as we know it, because the ozone layer controls the absorption of a portion of the deadly ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun. UV-A rays, including wavelengths between 320 and 400nm, are not af... |
Society Term Papers | The beauty of snow | The Beauty of Snow Snowflakes have six sides and all have a different design on them. Snow flakes are clear but get a white color from light that is shining off the crystals. Snow is a mystery to many people but after you look at it you will be more enlightened about snow. Snow is a form of precipitation that consists of tiny pieces of frozen water bonded together. Snowfall varies tr... |
Society Term Papers | The cause and effects of acid mine drainage | The Cause and Effects of Acid Mine Drainage INTRODUCTION Imagine going fishing on a cool Autumn day, the trees are all different shades of orange, brown and red and the birds are singing their beautiful songs, but their is a serious problem because when you arrive at the river all plant and animal life are gone. This is by no means a recent phenomenon. This is due to the effects... |
Society Term Papers | The choosing of a landfill site | The Choosing of a Landfill Site There is currently much debate on the desirability of landfilling particular wastes, the practicability of alternatives such as waste minimisation or pre- treatment, the extent of waste pre-treatment required, and of the most appropriate landfilling strategies for the final residues. This debate is likely to stimulate significant developments in landfilli... |
Society Term Papers | The drinking age: 21 for everyone? | The Drinking Age: 21 For Everyone? Mike Bilyeu In the United States, the legal drinking age for all 50 States and the District of Columbia is 21 years of age. The drinking age is 21 because the powers that control our government decided that when one becomes 21, one is magically transformed into a responsible person capable of handling the burden that comes with the right to cons... |
Society Term Papers | The effect of viewing television violence on childhood aggression | The Effect of Viewing Television Violence on Childhood Aggression Abstract There is a great deal of speculation on the effect television plays in childhood aggression. Two contrasting views regarding this issue are violent television increases aggressive behavior and violent television does not increase aggressive behavior. Later research demonstrates there may be other intervening... |
Society Term Papers | The effects of divorce | The Effects of Divorce Divorce in our society has become increasingly common. Fifty percent of all marriages will end in divorce and each year 2 million children are newly introduced to their parents separation, (Monthly Vital Statistics Report ). Demographers predict that by the beginning of the next decade the majority of the youngsters under 18 will spend part of their childhood ... |
Society Term Papers | The environmental impact of eating beef and dairy products | The Environmental Impact of Eating Beef and Dairy Products There are currently 1.28 billion cattle populating the earth. They occupy nearly 24 percent of the landmass of the planet. Their combined weight exceeds that of the earth's entire human population. Raising cows for beef has been linked to several environmental problems, and eating beef can worsen your health. The Dairy... |
Society Term Papers | The epa: can it, will it save our environment? | The EPA: Can It, Will It Save Our Environment? Pollution of our environment is an issue that concerns each and every one of us. "The threat of environmental degradation now looms greater than the threat of nuclear war." Patrick Henry said, "I know no way of judging the future but by the past." In the past man has trampled on the environment. "The word 'ecology' means 'a study... |
Society Term Papers | The evils of hunting | The Evils of Hunting Hunting is an unnecessary activity in the modern world. Slob hunting is the way many so-called sportsmen hunt these days. The phrase slob hunting refers to indiscriminate assault on animals, whatever their type. This type of recreation is harmful and undesirable the United States for three reasons: 1) It reduces the number of areas available for tracking animals,... |
Society Term Papers | The feelings of falling in love | The Feelings of Falling in Love What is Love? Is it attraction? Is it intimacy? Is it attachment? Love, in fact, is all of these things combined together. "Love is spiritual, not physical. It is a union of souls and hearts and minds, not something you can't put under your microscope and understand!" Love is an emotion combined with a series of feelings. These feelings can be im... |
Society Term Papers | The greenhouse effect | The Greenhouse Effect This essay is going to describe what the greenhouse effect is and what it does.It is also going to say what causes the greenhouse effect and the consequences of it. What is meant by the term the greenhouse effect is that the heat from the sun comes into the Earth's atmosphere and cannot get out so becomes trapped.It gets its name beca... |
Society Term Papers | The greenhouse effect | The Greenhouse Effect Our world is suffering, and it is suffering from something people call the "Greenhouse" effect. The greenhouse effect is caused by humans over pollution of the earth. If we do not stop this soon the earth will "die". We have caused this over many years of over industrialization in this growing world. We think that bigger is better, so we make vehicles bigg... |
Society Term Papers | The male reproductive system | The Male Reproductive System The male reproductive system is responsible for generating, storing, and transporting the genetic material contained in the sperm cells. The main organs include: testicles (or testes), the epididymides, the vas deferens, the ejaculatory duct, the urethra, and the penis. Others are the scrotum, urogenital opening, and the prostate gland. Testes contain... |
Society Term Papers | The population growth rate in india | The Population Growth Rate in India For many years concern has been voiced over the seemingly unchecked rate of population growth in India, but the most recent indications are that some success is being achieved in slowing the rate of population growth. The progress which has been achieved to date is still only of a modest nature and should not serve as premature cause for complacen... |
Society Term Papers | The population problem | The Population Problem Two hundred years ago, Thomas Malthus, in An Essay on the Principle of Population, reached the conclusion that the number of people in the world will increase exponentially, while the ability to feed these people will only increase arithmetically (21). Current evidence shows that this theory may not be far from the truth. For example, between 1950 and 1984, the ... |
Society Term Papers | The potential effects of a depleted ozone layer | The Potential Effects of a Depleted Ozone Layer "And God said, let there be light and there was light and then God saw the light, that it was good " ( Genesis 1: 3-4 ). Undoubtedly, light is good. Without light man could not survive. Light is the ultimate cosmic force in this universe allowing man to progress and flourish. In the form of heat, light from the sun warms the Earth.... |
Society Term Papers | The recent negative effect of technology on society | The Recent Negative Effect of Technology on Society Roy Kantrowitz Mr. Ingram English 101/105 Report Ever since the Industrial revolution, technology has been changing at a fast pace. People are always wanting a better lifestyle therefore there is always something new arising so humans can cope with their physical environment. One of the most important breakthroughs for technol... |
Society Term Papers | The theory of property | The Theory of Property While Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary defines property as "something regarded as being possessed by, or at the disposal of, a person or group of persons species or class," (p. 1078) this definition hardly holds the connotations so emphatically discussed by the anthropologist Morgan. To Morgan, "property has been so diversified its uses so exp... |
Society Term Papers | The wolf | The Wolf Destiny, perhaps from the very beginning, claimed the wolf as a symbol. Has any other animal stirred human passions the way the wolf has? Its haunting howl, its incredible stamina, its brilliant eyes, and its superiority as a predator all have been reviled as nefarious, and even demonic, traits. Ironically, these same characteristics have also been revered as belonging t... |
Society Term Papers | Time to change | Time To Change The earth and many of its contents, thanks in large part to humans, is deteriorating and it has been for quite a time now. It is overwhelmingly populated with both ignorant and lazy people. In effect, not much is being done to prevent this deterioration. For instance, we are killing off vital animal populations every day. We have caused the extinction or endangerment ... |
Society Term Papers | Urban heat islands | Urban Heat Islands For more than 100 years, it has been known that two adjacent cities are generally warmer than the surrounding areas. This region of city warmth, known as an urban heat island, can influence the concentration of air pollution. The urban heat island is formed when industrial and urban areas are developed and heat becomes more abundant. In rural areas, a large part of... |
Society Term Papers | Using bicycles as an alternative to automobiles | Using Bicycles As An Alternative To Automobiles October 21, 1996 Ecology & Design University of Colorado Abstract: This paper basically shows the reasons to use the bicycle as an alternative mode of transportation. It will points out the benefits of the use of a bicycle. It will also show what is being done to get rid of the negative aspects of using a bicycle for trans... |
Society Term Papers | Value of environmental agencies | Value of Environmental Agencies In current times man has become so consumed with weapons and money that the planet has been neglected. With something so typical and now common as chopping down the rainforest to produce trees for mass abundance of political paper and land to graze more cattle this thoughtless destruction, disturbs all aspects of the environment. This is business... |
Society Term Papers | Van gennep's "rites of passage", durkheim and turner's theory of communitas | Van Gennep's "Rites of Passage", Durkheim and Turner's Theory of Communitas I. Classify using Van Gennep's categories and point out aspects which would be of particular interest to Turner and to Chapple and Coons. The Mescalero girls' puberty ceremony is an example of a "Rite of Passage," a ceremony that marks the transition of an individual from one stage of life to another (Chap... |
Society Term Papers | Wal-mart is taking over | Wal-Mart is taking Over Is Wal-Mart good for communities, or is Wal-Mart a wolf in sheep's clothing? With a gross annual sales of over $67 billion and more than 2,000 stores, Wal-Mart is one of the biggest corporations in the United States. Wal- Mart opens a new store once every two days in small communities and cities across the United States, however, are these stores good for th... |
Society Term Papers | War of the worlds | War of the Worlds A: Summary of This story is about two Indian twins who live by their mother, because their father died. The twins and the mother are starting to have some problems, because the mother has the opinion that the twins no longer have respect for other people. As a results of this big discussion the mother says that the twins can leave. The twins were real evil to th... |
Society Term Papers | Water biomes | Water Biomes Marshland is covered with grasses, reeds, sedges, and cattails. These plants all have their roots in soil covered or saturated with water and its leaves held above water.Marshes may be freshwater or salt. Freshwater marshes develop along the shallow edges of lakes and slow-moving rivers, forming when ponds and lakes become filled with sediment. Salt marshes occur on coas... |
Society Term Papers | Water pollution | Water Pollution Water pollution has affected many people and animals. Water pollution is the disposal of garbage into a water stream. Some of the water pollution is from littering, some water pollution is done by chemical leaks, and others by ships. Also, There is much information about water pollution. I am going to take that education on water pollution a step farther; and explain ... |
Society Term Papers | Water pollution: is it as big of a problem as we think? | Water Pollution: Is it as big of a problem as we think? The following essay will be looking at the factors that cause pollution, and the effect that pollution has on our world today. It will also investigate what it has in store for the future if things do not improve. It will also explore some of the methods used to treat and clean-up wastewater, and oil spills. Today, the indust... |
Society Term Papers | Weather forecasting | Weather Forecasting In researching this project I was amazed to find the many books on this topic. After going through much information and reading an enormous amount of writing on weather forecasting I can only come to one conclusion that when all is considered the best forecasters can only give an educated guess of what is in store for weather. Through the many means at their dispo... |
Society Term Papers | What is love? why are you asking me? | What is Love? Why Are You Asking Me? Upon examination of the vast amounts of theories on love I can only find myself in a more convoluted state. Love is in fact a great mystery to me, and I have only achieved frustration in trying to explicate it. In Scott Peck's book The Roadless Traveled there are a conglomerate of avenues that are explored within the topic of love. It is here t... |
Society Term Papers | What is satanism? | What is Satanism? Satanism is the religion of the flesh. Happiness, to the Satanist must be found here and now. No heaven exists to go to after death and no Hell of burning punishment awaits the sinner. Strongly attached to our family and close associations, we make excellent friends. Satanists do not believe that you can love everyone and treat every person the same. By failing to h... |
Society Term Papers | Women who changed the world: rosa parks | Women Who Changed the World: Rosa Parks There were many women who have changed the world in the fields of math, science, sports, music, writing and leadership. Rosa Parks was a leader to help the blacks become equal to whites. Eleanor Roosevelt was also a leader because she helped the poor. Harriet Tubman was also a leader which helped free black slaves. I am going to tell what ... |
Society Term Papers | World hunger | World Hunger *** Warning: the following is a look at World hunger which some people may disagree with, if you would look at non-partisan look at World hunger then keep reading *** Hunger is an issue which many people think lies little importance. Im going to give you a look at World Hunger as a Picture of Poverty, how it affects Third World Nations, and How World Hunger is a diseas... |