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Essay/Term paper: Cobalt

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Chemistry

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My report is about the element Cobalt. Cobalt is the 27th element on the
periodical table and has an atomic number of twenty-seven. It has a symbol of
Co. Cobalt¹s atomic weight is 58.9332. It has a melting point of 1,490š C. and
a boiling point of 2,900š C. Cobalt looks almost exactly like iron and nickel.
Cobalt is between iron and nickel on the periodical table and found in only .
001-.002 percent of the earth¹s crust. Cobalt was first found in the Harz
Mountains. People in the silver mines dug up arsenic cobalt ores. Then,
because they thought the ores contained copper, heated the ores releasing
arsenic trioxides. Cobalt was named after the German kobold. A kobold was said
to be an underground goblin or demon. In 1735 cobalt was identified. Cobalt is
a white metal with a bluish cast. It is magnetic and very hard and does not
Cobalt has many uses and I will talk about some of them. It is a very
expensive metal that is used in the manufacture of very many expensive alloys.
Cobalt-iron alloys have very unique and special magnetic properties. For
example, Hyperco is used as the nucleus in strong electromagnets. Alloys
containing titanium, aluminum, cobalt and nickel can be made to become
permanently magnetic. One alloy, called Stellite, is an alloy of cobalt,
chromium, tungsten, and molybdenum. This alloy is extremely hard and keeps its
hardness at extreme temperatures. It has many uses: cutting tools are made of
it along with gas turbines. Zaire is the world¹s largest producer of cobalt
with 65% of the world¹s reserve.
Cobalt is a common trace element found in food. It is a component of
vitamin B12. It is important to our health. But excessive amounts may cause
nausea, damage to the heart, kidneys, and nerves, and even cause death.
I think that Cobalt is a neat element. Before I did this report I knew
nothing of Cobalt. Now I know how they use it as an alloy and in other ways.


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