Essay/Term paper: Good god
Essay, term paper, research paper: Religion
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Good God
When one walks through the streets of humanity, one must choose their destiny.
Is it to believe in God, or to become conservative and choose not to believe?
Well, the people of the world should all just creep within their minds, and
choose not to follow the Messiah onto the deceptive fields of love. These people
become sicken with doubt, and unleashing them are quite easy. But the world may
never know, for the fools that are blinded with salvation still wander in
Objection number one is that, can one actually prove the "existence" of God? How
can one experience divinity, without experiencing death first? No men on this
earth can! Not the Pope, Saint Anselm, nor William Paley, who actually tired to
prove the existence of God. William Paley once said , "If a man wandered upon a
hill, and discovered a watch; who would question the fact, that the watch was
created by a designer?" It's possible that the statement is true, but a watch
can't be compared to a universe's creation. Paley would later say that the world
must have a designer, meaning a God. The watch of coarse must of been created
by a designer, but the world is totally different. It's more like a carpenter
building a house or building. People can relate more to a building than a
universe, cause it's possible that one can experience living within a house.
It's not possible for anyone to live among the outside world, and think that God
created everything. This only proves Paley's downfall, and ideas that have no
back bone! The world to be created by God is impossible, only cause man seeks
more than his environment. God cannot be proven!
Belief! The question of believing, is a question of faith. This is a story of
faith. Jeremiah once entered a church full of greed, and listened to the words
of God. When the sermons of Christ ended, the preacher and his followers handed
down baskets, filled with money. Jeremiah just sat in confusion, wondering why
and where is all that money going to. As Jeremiah left the church, he over heard
the preacher's wife, "Now can you buy me diamond ring?" Jeremiah began to weep,
as the rage within him rushed throughout his mind. At home, Jeremiah told his
mother about the fury within , and he spoke this: "Mother! Why is the entire
church of Christ corrupt? Why is the world so cold? Doesn't God even exist? Well
I know one thing that's certain; there is no longer true faith among this
planet! Humanity, along with false ministers have killed God! God is truly dead-
----" His mother just stood in shock, watching him draw a picture of a mad
bishop, revealing and exploiting the meanings of Jesus Christ. This is the
sadness that one who believes in God, can actually discover, and feel a sense of
There is many people who believe God is all Powerful, God is all good, and evil
exist. These are the propositions that gives a religious man true faith. But if
God was all powerful, then there wouldn't be no evil. God would simply destroy,
or cast out evil within the world. And if God was all good, then why would some
innocent child be raped , and be left for dead? God is all powerful, and chose
not to save an innocent child. Who now is evil, and who now is good? And last is
the evil that burdens the lands all walk on. It's sad that evil exist among the
world, but evil still exist. Some people perceive evil as symbol of "wrong doing"
, thus, creating and using "good" as a tool to confront, and destroying all of
evil that's around everyone. But if man is here to defeat evil all by himself,
then why would God be needed? Evil exist only to explore the other sides of
what's good. This is the confusion that one may encounter, if accepting the
beliefs of these propositions.
The will to believe, and the life after death. The only thing man has going for
him, is will power. He can either use it to oppose, or accept God, it really
doesn't matter. The will to believe in an afterlife is beautiful, and heart
warming. It's beauty is expressed in a sense of hoping for something beyond this
world, and that is so capturing to souls that hunger for more. The entire
meaning of creating salvation within the soul is creative, and creativity is
probably the greatest assets a religious person can have. This is the credit
that all can present to the prodigies of God.
Today in society the world still lives off the false faith of God, and now must
society change in order to become true. Man is true at heart, when the doubts of
God are no more, and so must all turn away from he. Science today is God, and
there is no longer a need to pray. The evidence that opposes the existence of
God is great, and still the people of God wonder "why"? Why must one choose to
disbelieve in the existence of God? And why call for such an action? The
solution to this query is, cause "this world is a will to power---- and nothing
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