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Plagiarism prevention at DreamEssays.com

Many sites sell plagiarized papers under the "custom essays" label

It is our obligation to make our visitors aware of the existence of fraudulent sites that defraud their customers by selling prewritten plagiarized papers that either come from essay databases or are compiled using Internet sources. Such sites usually advertised lower rates that may start under $10 per page. We do not have anything against competition, however, strongly believe that such sites must be honest about the services they provide. We receive regular inquiries from people asking how we are different from the site that sold them plagiarized stuff. There are many ways to tell a legitimate company from a fraudulent webpage run by foreign scam artists.

How to find a decent writing firm

There is much more to running a successful writing company than putting together a website. Don't be fooled by the aesthetic look and feel of a site and always read the content. Foreign webmasters based outside of the US and Canada try to limit their text content to several sentences, because they write just as well as their foreign writers finishing their English as a Second Language program. Such sites are often ridden with grammar mistakes, typos, wrong word choice, etc. One decent trait about such website owners is that they realize what their services are worth and set prices accordingly. If you come across a website that claims to provide writing services for as little as $10 per or less, you can be 100% sure you are dealing with foreign writers, and by that we don't mean Oxford. In Asia and Eastern Europe, for example, such professionals can be paid $2 per page because all they can do is find prewritten essays on google and send them to the client. The writers who work for us charge at least $10 per page because a qualified and trained writer can produce a maximum of 2 pages per hour. What American or British writer would work for $3-5 per page? We have not been able to find a single person willing to do that. In addition, you should always pay attention to refund and revision policies. Shady sites will never issue refunds and will always charge for subsequent revisions.

How we are different

Being an Internet company allows us to work on the global market. We get clients from all over the world. Similarly, we conduct recruitment throughout the US, Canada and the UK. We are not limited to any particular location. All candidates get to pass a rigorous examination in order to become part of our team. All our writers are native English speakers holding Bachelor degrees from American and British institutions. Over 50% of our employees are enrolled in graduate programs and find our work very convenient, interesting and rewarding. In addition, having Master's and doctoral students on our team makes our service so much more vital because we can assist students with all current academic projects in most fields of study. Generally, the plagiarism problem mainly solved by our smart human resource management because we simply do not hire writers who cheat. We have very clear refund and revision policies which makes using our service virtually trouble-free. We guarantee free unlimited revisions and provide complete refunds.

Electronic plagiarism detection

Like any company that takes its business seriously, we have strict quality control procedures applied to every order. Every paper is automatically run through plagiarism detection and is subsequently reviewed by an independent editor.

Our writer speaks about plagiarism

“…Theft. We see it every day, in the news, on the streets, even in our own homes when desperation hits crisis levels. What is stolen and why it is stolen are rarely important factors when considering the outcome of the act. The result is ultimately the same. The integrity of the thief is left forever marred, making trust a tenuous thing at best even if apologies and amends are made. The ripples in the pond however do not stop with the thief. Those who have trusted the individual have their judgment called into question, and the end user of the stolen goods is implicated in the treachery by default. These far reaching effects strike even deeper in the heart of academia, medicine, and socio-political arenas where fact checking remains a constant means of subverting the authority of both your opponent and peers. Those clients who choose to approach a business such as DreamEssays.com for their needs expect, and deserve, the skillfully constructed and unique document for which they pay. They do not want, nor should they have to concern themselves with, the possible dissolution of their professional and personal integrity. Plagiarism at the basest reduction is not as ingenuous as the simple primary act of copying a work and holding it up to say look what I did. At these levels of expectation, in a position of employment as a writer, researcher, and trusted staff, it is unadulterated theft. This extends beyond the scope of direct lifting of whole passages and encompasses the very heart of pedagogic value. Ones ideas may be influenced by what came before, but they must, to have true intrinsic worth, be original, solid, and not damaged by taint of unethical deceit. …”

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